
Dietary influences on mutagenesis—Where is this field going? - Ferguson - 2010 - Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis - Wiley Online Library

Dietary influences on mutagenesis—Where is this field going? - Ferguson - 2010 - Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis - Wiley Online Library: "Effects of diet in stimulating chronic inflammation may lead to reactive species and thereby mutation as a secondary consequence, while dietary deficiencies and nutrient imbalances may be strong sources of mutagenesis. Recognition of the roles of nutrients in cell signaling processes and control of microRNAs suggest major influences on gene expression, in the absence of permanent DNA changes. Genome-wide association studies have highlighted new pathways such as JAK/STAT signaling that profoundly influence genomic instability and responses to dietary mutagens. With improved methodologies for DNA sequencing and epigenetic changes, it is time to apply more sophisticated approaches to recognizing and proving the role of diet as a primary modulator of mutagenesis in humans. "

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