Integrative therapies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
" Patients with UC are not deficient in butyrate, but appear unable to utilize it, perhaps because organic sulfides produced by their enteric flora inhibit the epithelial effects of butyrate[49] [50]. Protein consumption is a major determinant of sulfide production in the human colon[51]. For patients with UC in remission, the risk of relapse is directly influenced by higher consumption of protein, especially meat protein, and by total dietary sulfur, and sulfates[52]. A low sulfur diet has been advocated for maintenance of remission in UC. This diet, which is markedly different from the specific carbohydrate diet, eliminates beef, pork, eggs, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, mayonnaise, soymilk, mineral water, nuts, cruciferous vegetables, and sulfited alcoholic beverages. Controlled studies have not been performed, but a small preliminary study demonstrated the feasibility and safety of a low sulfur diet for patients with UC over a five-year period."
Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
"Roediger found elimination of sulfer-containing foods (eggs, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, mayonnaise, soy milk, mineral water, wine, cordials, nuts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts) as well s decreased intake of red meat lead to prolonged remission."
Do you ever wonder what you really know about Crohn's Disease despite your experience and all the information out there? Do you find yourself unsettled, wondering why the pieces never seem to really fit together? Through simple questions linked to research evidence, this blog is a place where you can think quietly about Crohn's Disease, its cause, nature, and control. Join me in constructing a new view of Crohn's Disease. Your comments are gold.
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