
Is it worth taking Budesonide to maintain remission?

Sitting among a plethora of pharmaceuticals, Budesonide appears relatively innoculous yet effective.  Without the systemic effects of prednisone, it acts primarily as a topical steroid.  It lacks the immunomodulating effects of popular pharmaceuticals such as anti-TNF therapies, Imuran, and methotextrate.  Should it be considered in maintaining remission?

"Budesonide for maintenance of remission in Crohn's disease" in Cockrane Database System Rev (2009)
Conclusions:  Budesonide is not more effective than placebo or weaning prednisolone for maintenance of remission in Crohn's disease. Some modest benefits are noted in patients receiving budesonide compared with placebo in terms of lower CDAI scores and longer time to relapse of disease. However, these benefits are offset by higher treatment-related adverse event rates and more frequent adrenocorticoid suppression in patients receiving budesonide. Therefore, budesonide is not recommended for maintenance of remission in Crohn's disease.

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