
Is a Th1-Th2 balance important in reducing Crohn's symptoms?

"Self-test monitoring of the Th1/Th2 balance in health and disease with special emphasis on chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis"  in Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis (2012)
"However, simple self-tests allowing physicians and patients to follow-up Th1/Th2 balance during therapy are
lacking and therefore it still remains very difficult for an individual to evaluate whether the medical  treatment he
or she is undergoing to restore  Th1/Th2  balance is effective. In addition, the effectiveness of over-the counter products which claim to balance Th1/Th2 status (such as anti- oxidants, pro-biotics and other) should be
able to be evaluated  on an individual  basis. Many patients try to improve their  health  by “trial and error”,
exploring probiotics, neutraceuticals and drugs, without realizing the potential risk of further deterioration to their health by randomly taking products that may worsen their Th1/Th2 balance."

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