Mushroom from Wikipedia
Crimini mushrooms from world's healthiest foods
"The effects of whole mushrooms during inflammation" in BMC Immunology (2009)
"Whole mushrooms have a number of components that are potentially immuno-modulatory. The in vitro data show that whole mushroom extracts regulate macrophage and T cell production of cytokines in a way that is predicted to be beneficial for boosting anti-tumor immunity. In vivo, the immuno-regulatory functions of edible mushrooms are harder to detect. Following challenge with DSS [dextran sodium sulfate] there is a transient protection from colonic injury and a modest increase in TNF-α production locally in the colon. Whether the increase is an effect of known immuno-modulatory nutrient components or as a result of bacteria like the psuedomonads that are associated with mushroom cultivation is not known."
"Mushroom intolerance: a novel diet–gene interaction in Crohn's disease" in British Journal of Nutrition (2009)
"Carrying a functional single nucleotide polymorphism (L503F, c. 1672 C>T) in the gene for the Na-dependent organic cation transporter (OCTN1), increases the risk of Crohn's disease (CD) in some, but not all, populations. Case–control data on New Zealand Caucasians show no differences for CD risk between individuals carrying the L503F OCTN1 C-allele when compared with those carrying the variant T-allele. However, more of the New Zealand CD cases report intolerance to maize and mushrooms than those who report beneficial effects or no differences. The OCTN1 gene encodes a transporter for ergothionine, a fungal metabolite at high levels in mushrooms but not widely common in other dietary items. An inability to tolerate mushrooms showed statistically significant associations with the variant OCTN1 genotype. That is, among those individuals reporting adverse effects from mushrooms, there was a higher frequency of the variant T-allele when compared with the general population, or with CD patients overall. We believe that this is a novel gene–diet association, suggesting that individuals carrying the OCTN1 variant single nucleotide polymorphism may have an enhanced risk of adverse symptoms associated with consuming mushrooms. Nutrigenomic approaches to dietary recommendations may be appropriate in this group."
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